PWA Regulatory Committee Request for Members to participate and Take action today on important state legislation: HB 1400
As you know, the Pennsylvania legislature is considering House Bill 1400, legislation that would provide for the uniform, efficient and predictable regulation of small wireless antennas to improve the provisioning and deployment of the next generation of high-speed wireless broadband throughout the Commonwealth. PWA strongly supports this legislation. WIA testified in support of the measure during a House Consumer Affairs Committee Hearing in June. Read it here.
This bill is vital to our members, our customers, and our fellow Pennsylvanians, and we need our help to get this through the legislature and to the Governor’s desk this session.
We expect the House Consumer Affairs Committee to take up the bill later this month. Our hope is for the bill to pass the committee and the full House of Representatives, before it moves to the state Senate for consideration.
There are a few quick and easy things you can do TODAY to help.
A member company, AT&T, has developed a few tools to help you share your support with state legislators.
* You can team up with a friend to record and send a video to key decision-makers in the House. It’s best to use your smartphone to record and send the video. It’s a fast, easy and innovative way to have your voice heard. Click here to record and send the video.
* If you don’t want to send a video, you can write a letter that will be sent to your state representative. Click here to write a letter.
You also can visit your House member in the capitol or in the district office. Click here to find out who represents you in Harrisburg.
Again, this legislation is critical to our industry, our members, our customers and our fellow Pennsylvanians. Please do what you can to help TODAY!
Don’t forget to ask your employees, friends and family members to take action, too!
***You must be a Pennsylvania resident to send letters or videos.
We will have a booth at upcoming events to assist you with videos.
You can reach out to Chairperson Barb Burba with any questions at: