Download the latest edition of NI’s Wireless Research Handbook, which includes research examples from around the world and across a wide range of advanced wireless research topics. This comprehensive look at next-generation wireless systems will offer you a more in-depth view of how prototyping can enhance research results.
Applications include:
- Flexible Waveform Shaping Based on UTW-OFDM for 5G and Beyond
- Flexible Real-Time Waveform Generator for Mixed-Service Scenarios
- In-Band Full-Duplex SDR for MAC Protocol with Collision Detection
- Bandwidth-Compressed Spectrally Efficient Communication System
- World-Leading Parallel Channel Sounder Platform
- Distributed Massive MIMO: Algorithm for TDD Reciprocity Calibration
- Wideband/Opportunistic Map-Based Full-Duplex Radios
- An Experimental SDR Platform for In-Band D2D Communications in 5G
- Wideband Multichannel Signal Recorder for Radar Applications
- Passive and Active Radar Imaging
- Multiantenna Technology for Reliable Wireless Communication
- Radio Propagation Analysis for he Factories of the Future
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